Monday, August 20, 2007

The 1734 Islands

We headed up to Kerry's parents' place in the Thousand Islands this weekend with Kerry and Rob. We had an awesome two days filled with tons of laughter, activities on the river, ICE CREAM, mini golf, sightseeing, and quality time with some of our best friends! And, by the way, there are not 1000 islands in the St. Lawrence... there are more. Just in case you were wondering.

Playing mini golf, right before I hit Kerry in the butt with a golf ball.... that's what you get when you talk back!

Ryan got some good quality reading done on the drive up... and no he is not flipping me off on purpose

Ker and me on Dad Brenner's boat

the sunset

not too sure about this whole waterskiing thing.... I almost got up, but after trying 6 times I gave up. It was a little discouraging, especially after seeing Rob and Kerry waterskiing one handed and practially doing flips across the waves.... actually, I mastered my own type of flip, haha. Oh boy am I sore today.

Thanks for the weekend, guys.... I'm still working to get that water out of my ears! :P


  1. That looks awesome! I haven't water-skiied in years!! The scenery behond you girls on the boat is pretty!! Thanks for sharing!!
    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues

  2. Your pictures are beautiful! It looks like a nice place to visit.

    I love waterskiing, next time you should try wakeboarding instead, it is a blast! It's amazing how you use muscles you didn't know you had when you participate in watersports!

  3. What a wonderful getaway! Such beautiful pictures. I haven't been water skiing in years (as my sister said in her comment)! Definitely a recipe for sore muscles!!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  4. We need to get together soon I miss you!

  5. I seriously love getaways with friends. It is hard to find good couple friends when you are married, so when you have them, you have to hold on tight! Looks like you guys had so much fun.. Makes me serioulsy jealous!
