Friday, August 30, 2013

updates for days

Wooah. So. Much. Info. To. Share.

Let's just delve right in. This has been a busy, BUSY season in my life. It's funny, I feel like once school starts things will actually calm down- probably because we will actually have a set schedule. But, who am I kidding? I'll probably still be running around like a crazy person, because that's how I do.

My first VeryJane deal went super well, yet I did pull my first all-nighter of my whole life finishing up as my deadline loomed. So a few weeks later, I got the itch again, and here I am- currently I'm taking a break from cutting and ironing, in preparation to again make over 150 headbands for my second deal, which ended a few days ago. But bonus! As I sew the night (and early morning) away, Netflix comes to the rescue! I am an expert on many things now, thanks to Netflix, including Taylor Swift, Auschwitz, nursery schools in NYC, homebirths, and I also mastered the first season of New Girl and the entire series of Felicity. I've also listened to many o' sermon, podcast, and my entire iTunes playlist so many times that listening to them now brings me to the point of nausea. And yet, I love it all. I love growing my business, making some money, and feeling like I am contributing financially. It's stressful but fun.

Speaking of my shop, there have been a few more exciting things unfolding. I prayed so hard for my business to grow. I prayed that just ONE opportunity would come up. Most of all, I prayed that God would reveal Himself to me through even my business and keep my heart and intentions focused solely on Him. Not focusing on money, popularity, success, or my own skills and creativity, but ONLY on Him. And, with that mindset, He has graciously chosen to bless me. I need to have daily (sometimes hourly... okay, by the minute) heart-checks to be sure that I am not focused on how many people have favorited my shop or commented on my photos or how many sales I've made- and if I do let myself be consumed with those things, to be serious with God and if my intentions are not right, to request He take everything away from me. I love that He can grow me and change my heart through ANYTHING, even through business, as silly as it may sound. I pray that I consciously need Him every single step of the way.

The past few weeks have been a little extra stressful with the all my work and endeavors combined with mothering combined with Ryan being out of town all week. He got a new job and is training - so being mom and dad for weeks straight has been hard.

I've also updated my shop with tons of new pretties - and I have even more to photograph and list. I just tonight brought a bunch of headbands to my salon and they will be for sale there as well. 

Also! I am going to be a vendor in the Sashes Market at the The Influence Conference at the end of September. I am terrified and nervous. But crazy excited.
Also, also. I was a contributor to The Tethered Crate this past month and I'm giving away a shop credit on The Tethered Crate blog - there's still a few days left to enter!

We had some special visitors this past month. Kerry, Rob, Luke and Lilah stayed for a quick and wonderful visit at the beginning of the month. The next weekend, the Wards came to spend a super awesome few days with us. And then the next weekend, my sweet Sarah from Boston visited for the weekend. Love.

Then there's my kids... Brynlee is 4 going on 25, Mac is suddenly potty trained, and Evyn is a crawling machine and has two teeth threatening to poke through. How is this all happening all so fast?! I do love it so much though- I love my big kids and I love the reward of them becoming less and less physical "work" and more and more molding and teaching and humor and eye opening wonder. Just the other day, Brynlee randomly said to me, "Mommy, the world is just so interesting!" Oh my sweet girl.  Sometimes I feel like I learn way more from them than they learn from me.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love!!!!!! And you know that word 'homebirth' caught my attention. Do share what you have learned. :)
