Thursday, February 7, 2013


I'm following Emily's lead today & sharing some current life randomness.

the few new pillow slipcovers I whipped up using this tutorial. After making the first one, I was embarrassed that I hadn't done these sooner. So easy!

the February issue of Martha Stewart Living. And blogs. My favorites lately: The Small Things Blog, Hello From the Natos, From My Grey Desk. Also, Reality Steve [hanging head in shame].

waiting for
the storm we are apparently going to get hit with tonight/tomorrow. We're staying in!

excited about
a girls' night planned for Saturday night. SO needed.

trying to
avoid the flu. Ryan spent two days straight in bed this past week. In the 10 years we've been together, I've never experienced him doing this. It takes a lot to knock that man down. I'm downing vitamins and zicam!

working on
finishing the kids' rooms. They will be so pretty once my plans leave my brain and come into fruition.  I can't wait to share - especially Evyn's room!

spearmint & orange gummies, gluten free pretzels, and Enjoy Life dark chocolate. Compliments of a sick husband on a grocery run. 

my TURQUOISE stick blender, a Christmas gift from my mom and dad. Smoothies have never been easier to make, cleanup is a snap (especially compared to using a regular blender), and it's pretty. Duh. 

these earrings. Picked them up last night and haven't taken them out since.

on having a low-key weekend.

to All Sons and Daughters. I like to think I'm the third part of the trio they don't realize that they are in. Haha.

to snuggle this little bundle right now. And she's 4 months old as of Tuesday. [Brain explodes.] 

about Biblical suffering and the hope & freedom that comes with it. Our pastor is doing an amazing series on 1 Peter right now.

listening to
the hum of the monitor, the furnace kicking on, and Ryan hacking up a lung.

there was a little more time each day to work on projects and snuggle babies and play with big kids. Priorities.

pretty well at dropping the baby poundage. And I ran a 5k on Tuesday. My minutes/mile ratio is highly embarrassing, but I did it. In 27 degree weather. And then wheezed for a few hours afterward.

dreaming of
a sandy tropical beach. Someday!


Congrats to pretty Liz on winning my Winter Essentials giveaway!


  1. Oh I love the canvases above your couch and the mirror, so beautiful. Did you make the canvases yourself?

  2. How is she 4 months old already!?!?!? I love those pillow covers! You'll have to teach me your ways :)

    AND WOOOHOOO for winning!

  3. loving th canvases, mirror and pillow covers soo much! And I can totally relate to the ideas in the head. Maybe eventually I will get the kids' rooms done too, ta know, before they move out.

  4. Oh man, I loved that pillow cover tutorial you linked to!! I keep telling myself that I can cover a simple pillow, yadda yadda... but the tutorial I was planning to work from included a zipper. I know, I know, zippers aren't that hard, BUT, if I can skip it I am *so* much more likely to get going on a cover! I actually went to Joann's and grabbed a bunch of fabric swatches so I can get started soon. :)
