Outside my window...
it's dark and sounds like it's windy. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 64 degrees!
I am thinking...
that I CAN complete all the errands I have planned for tomorrow morning (with kiddos in tow)... post office, sewing machine shop (I'm picking up my serger, Martha, and dropping off my sewing machine, Vik- can't wait to have them BOTH well again!), Wegmans, Target, blood draw for Mac (routine stuff), and I'm sure I've missed a few.
I am thankful for...
impromptu dinner dates with my best friends and our families. Tonight was the best!
I am learning...
how to make my house look clean when I know it really isn't. (HA.)
I am creating...
a birthday party theme/plan for my ALMOST THREE YEAR OLD. Can't believe it's been almost 3 years since my miracle baby changed my world.
I am going...
to the OBX in exactly a month. We, I should say, meaning our family and Ryan's whole family. We ALL need this vacation- badly!
I am hearing...
last night's The Voice. Thank you, dvr. I'm wondering what's up with Adam's sweater and what's on Christina's head.
Around my house...
I picked up the clutter before I sat down. Solid decision.
One of my favorite things...
is root beer! I just can't get enough. Love.
A few plans for my week...
small group tomorrow night, visiting friends, hanging out with Justin & Amy & the kiddos on Saturday, attending a baby shower for a dear friend and her miracle baby on Sunday. :)
A picture...
or a montage... from a few weeks ago. Love my boys!
Love this post idea! It was so fun to read!