Monday, July 18, 2011

gone are the days...

...of a decent family photo...

...but I wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. Aww. We just had a very similar experience when Rach tried to take some pictures for us. I told her we'd come see her again when Grace was 4, or 10

  2. I'm dying. This resembles most of ours as well. I think my favorite part is Ryan pointing at the camera. Peter tries that too! :)

  3. haha ya know sometimes when you don't pose and just group a family together, you can get the best family shots of them just in favorite way to photograph...beautiful family that you have :)

  4. LOVE the orange tank! i liked mine so much i had to go back and get kelly green! can we please wear our orange ones together in memphis. perhaps over some sweet turtlenecks (or dickies!) in the event of cold weather?
