Tuesday, July 7, 2009

taking care of business

We FINALLY got our landscaping for the season done this past weekend, thanks to my mom and dad for the truckload of mulch! It made such an incredible difference.my little vegetable gardenRyan built this little sitting area in a matter of an hour or so, and that very night we got a fire pit and had a little campfire with Alyssa and Jason (who are HOME hopefully forever!)... and of course I put away at least 3 smores... I wonder why that baby weight is staying put?!Oh, I guess I lied, we aren't quite finished... I still need to plant the geraniums in the front and a couple of other annuals to add some color in the back garden.

Look who's 3 MONTHS OLD TODAY! She may not take more than a 25 minute nap, but she did sleep 8 1/2 hours last night... and she's darn cute!

Oh, and I am doing some major hair choppage tomorrow... I've been feeling so blah with all this extra weight and such and I need a major change. I may share pictures if you ask nicely. :)


  1. She is too stinkin cute!! The house looks great!! Do you have stamped concrete? I want to see pics of the new hair....PLEASE????? :)

  2. The yard is gorgeous, the baby even more so, and I'm dying (pretty please...) to see the hair pics.

  3. The landscaping looks amazing, the blog looks amazing, Brynlee is amazing, and you look amazing. I don't know what this extra baby weight is that you are talking about. Can't wait to see the hair!

  4. She IS pretty darned cute!! You make good babies! :)

  5. Landscaping looks great!
