Thursday, March 15, 2012


Outside my window...

it's 55 degrees at 9:30 pm. *angel choir*

I am thinking...

that Mac MUST not wake up with a fever again in the morning. He's had a high one all this week and when we went to the doctor yesterday he said that I needed to bring Mac in again if it's not gone by tomorrow. My poor baby. He needs a break!

I am thankful for...

the opportunity to be a part of Gussy Sews' Spring Gift Guide. Click the button below to check it out!

I am learning...

Wordpress, thanks to She {hearts} It!

I am creating...

a plan of attack for the giant pile of laundry looming next to me.

I am going...

to Emily's house tomorrow morning and to a girls' night in the evening. Lucky me!

I am hearing...

the monitor and the occasional car driving by.

Around my house...

I see a pile of clothes that I bought for the kids today for our OBX trip. Much damage done at Old Navy.

One of my favorite things...

is Mac's new ability/willingness to give REAL hugs and his new skill that we discovered just tonight: pointing to the pictures in his books and saying "What's that?" Melt!

A few plans for my week...

this weekend is free and clear! Family time! Maybe we'll hit up the St. Patrick's Day parade on Saturday.

A picture...

or two from the other day- who doesn't play on the swingset in full princess getup?!

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