Monday, January 2, 2012

one word

Early last January, I chose my "word of the year". Last year's word was warm. I wanted to become more of an arms-wide-open type person. More down to earth. The type of person that anyone would feel comfortable around.

I'm still working on being a warm person, but I think I have made progress. I hope I have. It's so easy to just close up inside myself and just do what I have to do, and not intentionally interact with others.

This year, I think my word will be patience. To be more specific, not so much with waiting for something to happen, but with people. I get so frustrated with people. I want to love people. Even more specifically, I want to be patient first and foremost with my husband and kids. Why is it that we often treat the ones we love most the worst?? Often, my patience tank is empty before we even get downstairs in the morning. The only person who is to blame for that is me. I desire to be more gracious, more calm, more understanding. My sweet family deserves the best of me, and it is my job to BE the best of me. Ryan is so calm, so patient with me and with the kids. I know that is in his nature to be so, but he just inspires me. I pray I can be the person my family deserves and the person I KNOW I was created to be.

Watch out, 2012. There's gonna be more deep breaths, more smiles when the only thing I want to do is scream.

Happy New Year, friends. Anyone else have a word for 2012?


  1. I love the idea of each year embodying one word. Patience is definitely my downfall. Still can't seem to master that one :) happy new year! Your family is adorable!

  2. Proud of you!! And inspired. Still not sure I can commit to my word....but excited to see how your word grows you this year! :)

  3. What a good idea!

    I think mine for 2012 is going to be JOY. Finding joy in every aspect of life, even when it seems draining.

  4. Fresh. I had a hard year in 2011. I hope to start over in 2012.
