Thursday, October 15, 2009

playing catch up

It seems as though I haven't updated my blog in a month... bad. There has been SO much going on... I have taken so many pictures (so many that our computer memory is basically full and I tried to import more photos this morning and iPhoto rejected them! Argh!) and have been keeping Facebook pretty updated (friend me for proof that I DO take pictures) but have been neglecting the blog. It's just so much easier to load pictures on FB, write a few blurbs about them and call it a day.

Brynlee has been growing like crazy. She is now six months old! Where has the time gone?! Currently, she:
-babbles incessantly (which I love)
-sits up on her own (since her 5 month birthday)
-rolls over (once in a great while)
-laughs (the hardest for daddy!)
-eats cereal, has tried green beans and peas (not a huge fan of either) so far
-sleeps without the swaddle (finally!)
-rocks back and forth when she's sitting or standing in her exersaucer
-loves to be around people (but gets fussy when she gets too much attention or if people get in her face... we went to the public market with Alyssa on Saturday and B was just in awe of all the activity)
-loves to be around other kids/babies
-takes a bath sitting up
-LOVES to drink water in a cup and holds it semi-by herself, she also takes a sippy but hasn't really connected the whole tipping it up to drink part yet
-has recently decided that she is SO over smiling for the camera
-loves flowers and anything nature (just going outside calms her down)
-grabs at about anything and loves to touch faces
-loves to watch the cars drive by
-has given "kisses" for months now (she opens her mouth wide! but only when SHE wants to)
-usually takes 2 naps, goes to bed around 7, and is up between 5:30 and 7 am
-is currently 16 lb (51st percentile) and 26 3/4 in (82nd percentile)
-does really well in the church nursery
-is still not very fond of taking a bottle or having anyone but mom feed her or put her to bed (she has been pretty good for Grandma though)
-is obsessed with her toys, burp cloths, animals, my cell phone (even though I never give it to her!)
-still has a bigger wardrobe than me (and it's not because of me! Ahem, Grandma and Nana... but I am not complaining)
-kicks her legs at the same time and hard when she is laying on her back (I often hear banging when she is down for a nap and wonder who is hammering outside my house, only to find that it is B kicking her mattress)
-is starting to like to be read to
-is much more content on walks and trips out
-has been teething for months now but none have popped through yet!
-eats every 3-4 hours and has solids usually 2x per dayWhew, I'm sure I'm forgetting things! This little girl is such a light in our (and I'm sure many other people's) lives. Every day I marvel at the miracle she is and pray she has a desire to know and love God.

Ryan and I also celebrated our FIVE year wedding anniversary on Friday the 9th! I sure do love that man... more now than ever!


  1. I LOVE HER! It amazes me how much she can do. You are the best Mommy ever!!!

  2. Ooh ooh I want to be your FB friend (if you'll have me!)cause I want to see all these pics you're talking about. Your girl is SOOO darling!

  3. oh man she is so cute! such a blessing.

  4. Happy Anniversary!

    Look at her hair, so cute!

  5. It's amazing how similar our girls are!! She is certainly adorable!!

  6. Aren't we soooo lucky to have this beauty in our lives? Ash, thanks for being such a good mom to my little girlfriend. I love you and can't wait for Florida. We all are going to have a BLAST!!!

  7. congrats! our fifth anniversary is on dec 11!
