Wednesday, March 19, 2008

let there be light

our new bedroom light fixture! We had to special order it, so we waited for awhile to do so.... and the wait was worth it!

Oh and I can't believe I haven't mentioned American Idol... I just finished watching tonight.... I wasn't a fan of Amanda, so I'm happy. I'm going for Brooke... representing the nannies! I really like most of them, though, I think this is def the best season yet!


  1. Love the light! But you already knew that.

    As far as Amanda goes, ABOUT TIME!
    I love Brooke too, she's so cute!

  2. I can't stand Skunk, we were so glad she get voted off last night.

    And I like Brooke, she and Carly are definitely the best girls, but the Top 5 could be 4 guys.

  3. Awesome light! And I watch American Idol it! :) And like you, I'm a fan of Brooke - and not a fan of Amanda, so I thought the results were good last night. :)

  4. SO glad Amanda is outta there! I still think Kristi Lee (sp?) needs to go.
    But yes, a great season so far!
    Love the new fixture!

  5. i love your new light fixture, your house is so cute!

  6. That is an awesome light. Are those real candles? What's the fire hazard on that? Aren't you concerned that your house will burn down?

  7. Loving the light! I will c it next time I come to steal your vacuum =)

  8. Such a cute fixture. I agree, it was definitely worth the wait. I like Brooke too! There are so many good ones though.

  9. What a beautiful fixture. I love your style, as you know!

    I couldn't stand Amanda's hair. Not a fan of the skunk look!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  10. oooooh I LOVE the light... and in a bedroom. What a good idea! Thanks for posting on my blog by the way... :)
